Our Services

Your Child’s First Appointment

We recommend that you make an appointment for your child’s first pediatric dental visit by their first birthday or within six months of their first tooth coming in, whichever occurs first. The average age that children’s teeth come in is around six months of age. If your child’s teeth have not started to come in by their first birthday, don’t be concerned. We still want to schedule your initial appointment where we can discuss your child’s dental care and development.

The most important part of the visit is getting to know and becoming comfortable with Dr. Purvis and his staff. A pleasant, comfortable first visit builds trust and helps put the child at ease during future dental visits. If possible, allow the child to sit in a parent’s lap in the exam room. Children should be encouraged to discuss any fears or anxiety they feel. Preparing for this visit is crucial. Discussing what will happen in a positive light will make this visit much easier for your child and for you.

Tips On Teething

We understand that the teething process is a difficult period for your children. Here are some suggestions on how to make this experience more comfortable for them:

  • Keep your child well-hydrated. This is especially important if they have been vomiting or have had diarrhea.
  • Children’s Motrin® or Children’s Tylenol® will alleviate pain for most children.
  • Provide them with something cold to gum such as a cold teething ring, teething biscuits, carrots – or for older kids, ice pops. This will usually help numb the area.
  • Gently rubbing and massaging your child’s gums will also lessen the pain.
  • Keeping the area clean around the new tooth is important. Wipe their gums with a clean washcloth before the tooth erupts and begin brushing after tooth is present.

A child’s teeth actually start forming before birth. As early as 4 months of age, the primary or “baby” teeth push through the gums – the lower central incisors are first, then the upper central incisors. The remainder of the 20 primary teeth typically emerge by age 3, but the place and order varies. Primary teeth are important for several reasons. Foremost, good teeth allow a child to eat and maintain good nutrition. Healthy teeth allow for clear pronunciation and speech habits. The self-image that healthy teeth give a child is immeasurable. Primary teeth also maintain space for and guide the emergence of the permanent teeth.